About me

I was the Design Director at Tamedia, Switzerland's largest publishing company based in Zürich. In this role, I worked on various projects and contributed to the company’s design strategy.

From 2018 to 2024, I served as the Design Director, Head of Visual, and was part of the enhanced editorial leadership team at Berlin's largest newspaper, Tagesspiegel. During this time, I led the award-winning relaunch of the Tagesspiegel brand and all of its editorial products. I also launched the Visual Department, hiring a team of digital art directors and photo editors, while merging the existing print art direction and layout teams into one cohesive unit.

The Tagesspiegel relaunch was honored as "European Newspaper of the Year 2024" by the European Newspaper Award and received accolades from ADC and INMA in New York. In 2023, I was invited to serve as a jury member for the Society for News Design (SND) 2023 awards in New York and to speak at their annual conference at the Museum for Design in Manhattan.

I have also worked as a senior designer at Garcia Media Inc., led by Dr. Mario Garcia in the US.

From 2014 to 2019, I was a regular visiting lecturer at HTW Berlin, and in 2023, I taught at FH Potsdam.

Photo by Shai Levy


Brands and institutions I have worked with or collaborated with: 

Verlag der Tagesspiegel GmbH, Dieter von Holtzbrink Medien GmbH, Handelsblatt, Wirtschaftswoche (with Mario Garcia), Funke Medien, Tamedia/TX Group, Deutscher Fachverlag, Madsack Medien, DuMont, Südwestpresse (with Prepublic), Augsburger Allgemeine (with Prepublic), Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung, Mannheimer Morgen, Singapore Straits Times (with Mario Garcia), Jüdische Allgemeine (with Prepublic), Krautreporter, RUMS, Monocle (with Mario Garcia), Carlsen Verlag

MTV, VIVA, Comedy Central, Viacom, MySpace (😃), arte (mit ZIA), Four Music, Nesola

Daimler (with ZIA), Hilti, VW (with onlab), Ableton, Total Energy (with Clapp Mobile), Steady, Microsoft Phone (with Thomas Schinabeck)

Columbia University, School of Journalism (with Mario Garcia), Deutsche Presse Akademie (with Prepublic)

Gov & NGOs, institutions:
United Nations (with Mario Garcia), Berliner Senat (with ZIA), Wirtschaftsministerium Thüringen (with ZIA), Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen

Douglas (with ZIA)

Thomas Weyres 
✉️ mail@thomasweyres.de
☎️ Tel. 0172 49 54 142